Thursday, February 21, 2019

Zion Williamson Injury - a Humbling event for us all!

Those of us who intended on watching the newest college basketball sensation, (the list exists every year) were humbled last night some 40 seconds into the North Carolina vs. Duke game.  Zion Williamson was injured last night as one of his basketball shoes self destructed while he was making  a basketball move on the court.  Ironically the Nike brand shoe in question was related to Paul George who himself endured and recovered from a serious leg injury a few summers ago.

The media hype surrounding the game was that a ticket to the game rivaled the prices people had paid for recent major events such as the recent NBA all star game.  So it was truly justice that we were all reminded who was in charge.  Some people allegedly had paid $2,000 for one ticket.  When I heard that price I did think to myself that kind of money could feed a lot of people!  This was supposed to be the biggest game of the college season so far.  I could only laugh out loud thinking how all of us who had turned to watched the game were being taught a lesson.  What is the importance of a basketball game in relation to other events in life?  We were given the answer less than one minute into the game.

There are more important things.  Yes, games are a distraction from the harsh realities of this life.  But, we need to remind ourselves and continuously put things in perspective.  Even an ex President of the United States fell for the hype and was present to watch the game!  We all hope Zion will recover quickly and that his career will continue into the professional ranks.  If we were all placing college basketball into the realm of idol worship, we were taught not to do so last night.

Thanks for the reminder.  I am re grounded and ready to move forward.

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