Saturday, March 16, 2024

What is really Important to you?

 My question.  Are the things on your mind now, those topics of concern to you, really your concerns or thoughts placed in your mind by the news media or social media?  Think about that.  Did you wake up thinking about the possibility of a nuclear war?  Or did a news item, or a social media post raise that thought in your mind?  Have you ever thought, "How much original thinking do I really do?"  Pause and give that some thought.  Are your thoughts and emotions driven by exterior forces?  Again, something you see or hear via teleovision, videos on our phones, tablets, etc.  ?  What are the sources of your thoughts?

Are we being manipulated to think about specific topics?  Are our thought processes being hijacked and taken for a ride by the schemes of others?  I submit that in some cases our focus is determined by "information", true or not, that is thrust out at us to get our attention and then to influence our behavior.  Realize that somewhere in the world, a group of people are gathered together to decide what top 10 stories to push out at you each day.  Why?  Some is straight forward information.  Some is an attempt to influence your thinking.  And some is just out right sending out of data not caring what the data can do in terms of influencing you.  Some information is sent out to solicit high ratings and interest for the economic benefit of the senders.  Some information is sent out to influence your thoughts and to influence the creation of public policies.

What can you do?  Always question the source and intent of the information you are receiving.  Think, "what is the goal of this information?"  When you wake up each day, try to write down your top 5 concerns that have not been influenced by information you received or saw via the news media or social media.  Those top 5 un influenced personal items are the ones that are more meaningful for you to focus on.

It's time for us take control of our own thoughts.  Stop letting others control what you think about and what should be important to you.

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