Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A National Disgrace 45th President acts a fool.

 The performance by former President Trump was simply disgraceful.  He attempted to raise and appeal to fear by making claims that there are murderers crossing the border by the milliions killing Americans.  He is attempting to appeal to the fears of white people as politicians historically tried to do in raising fears about black people.

He simply made claims about how bad things are, would not answer questions, not address policy ideas. Who in the world would vote for him?

It's like asking the Jewish people in 1935, "Would you vote for Adolph Hitler if he promises to improve your ability to pay bills and live a decent life?"

Friday, August 30, 2024

Copy Cat Culture

 I am watching via streaming the World Under 20 track championships being held in Lima, Peru.  As the athletes are being introduced several are displaying the same self promoting behaviors they have learned over the years from so called professional athletes and our culture.  Some are pulling at their jersey promoting the name of their country.  Some are making gestures taught from watching videos of entertainers.  A few are just being stone faced and not making the worldly gestures.  They haven't sold out and have not gone into a copy cat mode.

What I am seeing is that many of the youth, who talk about originality, are not displaying any originality.  They are only displaying the antics of others whom initiated the selfish "it's all about me" behavior.  It would be even more impressive if they gave honor and thanks to God for their being able to do what they are doing.  Instead people make an image of a heart with their two hands.  At times I see athletes acknowledging God via a prayer or by pointing to the sky.  They get it.  It's not about our human selfishness and what we can do as humans.  It's about humbling ourselves, acknowledging and following God, and then taking actions that glorify God and carry out what God wants us to do in terms of our human inactive behavior.  The opening ceremonies of the Olympics wasn't complete because the ceremony did not make time to acknowledge God.  That came later in the comments of individual athletes who gave God the glory and credit for their performance.  Human stupidity and self centered actions continue.  Let's turn it around.  Think God first.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

"The Forge" - an alternative to the madness of the world

 I found "The Forge" to be a realistic story with an ending that is achievable.  In an error when bloody, violent, horror films are appearing more and more at theaters, I enjoyed "The Forge".  I urge families to see the movie together, especially if you have middle school boys or teenagers.   The lesson of a religious/spiritual alternative to your lifestyle is realistic.  Life is not easy.  "The Forge" presents a way boys, and men can bind together to combat the issues we encounter in life.  Please go see it.  If you are short on cash, try Regal theaters on Tuesdays as that is the discount viewing day.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

A prayer for Kamala Harris using Psalm 72

 Tonight may be a beginning to a change in the spiritual morality of these United States of America.  Kamala Harris speaks to the citizens and also to the world tonight as a candidate for President of the United States.  The first woman to hold the office.  The first woman of color to become this country's leader.

God, we ask you to empower her even more with a love of Justice and righteousness.  Help her judge your people in the right way and empower her to always ensure the poor are treated fairly and with respect.  Allow her to lead the way for spiritual and emotional prosperity for all.  Help her to defend and rescue the poor and needy and to oversee punishment of those who oppress them.  May her leadership be as refreshing and inspiring as rain on freshly cut grass.  May all who honor and obey God flourish during her leadership.  May she oversee the opportunity for humble prosperity for all.  May leaders around the world respect and follow her support for spiritual decision making.  Guide her to lead us spiritually to turn away from the violence that overwhelms us.  Guide her to make decisions that support the Earth remaining fruitful and food abundant for all.  May this country be blessed by decisions she makes with God in mind.  It's in Jesus name we pray.   Amen

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Social Media - Time for a reboot

 I have believed for years, that in general people want their views and opinions heard. Then people want an action taken or some result from their opinion being hears. Sometimes a person's comments are an emotional release. An opportunity to tell a famous person off, or at least embarrass that personality. There are some who express original ideas, but I have come across no one in this social media era who fits the saving grace and great idea category.

Social media has turned into a bully pulpit. An emotional non stop hurricane of emotional vitriol, nasty, disrespectful comments devoid of any redeeming value. Social media 1.0 championed by a number of brands, has been a failure of ultimate proportions. 85% of the comments need to be filed in a garbage can and immediately sent to a dump or incinerate, never to be seen again. 

With that thought, I deleted one of my main social media accounts and am debating closing out the remaining two. Some items on social media are interesting,  but none of what I have seen has made me a better person. Plus most lack a spiritual foundation that brings me closer to a relationship with God. If that objective is not met, what is the point of the comments?

Someone I met created a video commentary platform where he basically focuses on criticism of celebrities. He does not focus on providing helpful tips on how to become a better spiritual person. So what does he accomplish? He has over 1,000 followers but they do not view all of his videos.  People just want their viewpoints heard, The same as I am doing now. My message. If what you have just read does not impact yor view of social media, I have wasted my time and yours! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

An Open Letter to President Biden, Vice President Harris, Attorney General Garland and my elected officials

 Sonya Massey.  Thirty-six years of age.  Killed by gunfire from an Illinois Sangamon County sheriff’s deputy on July 6.  Sonya had called 911 to seek help from law enforcement.  What she received was an execution by law enforcement.  This type of law enforcement response has become an expected event.  An event that we stop to shake our heads at, feel remorse, then move on until we hear of the next victim. Then we repeat the cycle of remorse. Time…and time…and time again.  After each murder, nothing happens in terms of hiring processes of law enforcement officials.  There is no time out called for law enforcement heads to review use of force procedures.  There is no outrage by our elected federal officials calling for investigations and asking for the resignations of those in charge of law enforcement.  Why not?

Is it acceptable that being a law enforcement officer means killing a citizen is an allowable condition?  Is it okay that a citizen is killed in the course of a police officer, or sheriff’s deputy’s actions on the job?  If it is a failure of the Secret Service to have not stopped a would-be assassin from firing shots at a candidate, why is it not a failure of law enforcement when people are needlessly killed during an interaction between citizens and law enforcement?  Are we now at the point where if you are a person of color, you handle threats to your life yourself rather than call 911 and the police to come to your aid?  Must people of color arm their households to police ourselves and our neighborhoods?  If we call 911, do we need to say, “please do not send a white, European American policeman or sheriff who has no experience living among people of color?”  Will attention be given to this situation only if a celebrity speaks out about the issue?  Will more attention and a stop to these murders only happen if the victims are white, of European American heritage?  These are some of the questions.  What are the answers?

What are you doing to put an end to these senseless acts of murder by law enforcement?  Why are you not doing more?

The actions by these law enforcement officers shows a pattern of behavior that has not been addressed by systemic changes and improvements in the hiring, training, and development of law enforcement officials.  This is especially true as these are public service jobs where people hired are given weapons which can kill the people they are sworn to protect.

 We need a nationwide academy teaching best practices, especially best practices in interacting with citizens holding weapons other than guns.  Best practices in interacting with people who may have mental disabilities. Creation of a model use of force policy.  Enhanced screening of applicants for law enforcement positions, especially those allowed to carry a weapon.

The killer of Sonya Massey had a law enforcement partner by his side. That partner did nothing to deescalate the situation.  That should not be an allowable standard practice of a law enforcement officer.  It should be a daily discussion among partners that only certain situations will require use of a weapon against a citizen.

These are the issues.  What is your response?  A lack of a response by you tells me that we are on our own and we should best protect ourselves, because no one is coming to our aid.  That means people of color should definitely consider a law enforcement officer approaching us or at our door a threat to our lives, so act accordingly.  Is that what you advocate?  Please do not say just comply with the instructions of the law enforcement person.  Watch the video involving the interaction and compliance of Sonya Massey to the request of the law enforcement officer.

In life, we are told to “never forget”.  Whether it be the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 during World War II.  Whether it be the Holocaust carried out in Germany during World War II.  Whether it be terrorists crashing commercial airplanes into buildings in 2001 during 9/11.  Conversely, we are also told to “put the past behind us and move on” when it comes to the past history of lynching of people of color in the United States of America.  Put the past behind us and move on when discussions come up about the institution of slavery that existed in the United States of America.  Is your answer that the murder of people of color by law enforcement is just another response  of “put the past behind and move on?”

The American public.  Where are you?  You march and protest against a war halfway across the world, but show no compassion or anguish for your own fellow citizens.

President Biden.  In your speech to the American people tonight, you did not mention any plans to address this tragic systemic problem. Is it not important that this situation that repeats itself and destroys families be ended?  What are you going to do?  If you have no response at all that is the same as your saying, “it’s not important to me.”

Monday, July 22, 2024

Biden meets his Moses Moment. Next : Kamala's spiritual growth moment

 You have to applaud President Biden for humbling himself and accepting the realities of his age, health, and true ability to manage the office of the President of the United States.  There is no shame to accepting the limitations of our humanity.  Biden should be proud of the accomplishments of the federal government during his leadership and term as President.  Managing the recovery from Covid was a challenging task in many ways.

Next up.  Kamala Harris.  There still are events with Biden that could thrust Harris into the role of President before November and before January.

One key issue Harris needs to address are her views on abortion.  Kamala may benefit politically if she clarifies that a decision on abortion should not be a governmental decision, or court decision.  Instead it  should be a personal spiritual decision each individual makes.  It's not about human rights, or the rights of a woman.  It's about God's intent on how we should value the ability to create life.  It's not about abortion being humanly legal or illegal based on our "laws" or the constitution.  The issue needs to be raised above the category of human law.  It has been proven since the days of the Old Testament, that written laws by themselves cannot improve human behavior.

So, Vice President Harris.  Please elevate the abortion issue to the responsibility of the individual(s) involved in creation of the life.  That includes the cases of rape and the mother's life being endangered by a birth.  A decision to terminate life being able to exist and grow is of course one of the most important decisions a person can make.  It's an issue that has direct human connection to our Creator.  A human decision first must come through a connection to God, seeking His assistance in making the correct spiritual, not human decision.  If a life is ended, that may be the life that would have one day created the cure for the human diseases that currently plague us.  The aborted life may have been the person who could have lead the way to bringing peace to various places in the world.

But with all the human distractions in front of her, she needs us to remind her of the responsibility to lead a dialogue on the issue.