Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 - The Year In Review

 You know what kind of year this was!  The year we were all put into time out for our continuing pattern of bad behavior.  It had the potential to be a devastating year in many ways.  Some trauma came to fruition while other categories in my personal life achieved growth and found prosperity during a pandemic.

Ironically there were indications late in 2019 that a China trip I had planned for April of this year would not happen.  Not due to Covid but due to my chosen dates not being filled with anyone traveling except me.  The trip was officially canceled in early January by the tour company I had signed up with saving me thousands of dollars that would be needed elsewhere in the coming months. 

My mother's health continued to decline from Alzheimer's and dementia.  Her home care wasn't up to adequacy resulting in her having to go to a nursing home in late January.  January also began our search for a winter getaway home which we found.  Then came a relaxing trip to New Orleans in February just as Mardi Gras was starting.  We then took a Western Caribbean cruise from New Orleans.  So we were in environments that were to become Covid spreaders due to the closeness of contact during Mardi Gras parades and on cruise ships.

March brought the full blown impact of Covid as it spread throughout the United States.  This put an end to normal routines such as going to restaurants, movies, or spending time with relatives and friends.  Masks became a new required fashion accessory that would save your life. People we knew started getting ill from Covid and some died.

One thing Covid brought to my life was financial discipline. I no longer was spending money on discretionary items.  The Veterans administration finally resolved a claim for benefits that I had filed on my mother's behalf some two years before.  The lump sum payment of retroactive benefits she was owed came right on time as her nursing home stay ended.  This got her out of a dangerous Covid environment and allowed her to return home where she passed away a month later.  The retroactive VA benefits paid for her 24 hour professional homecare her last month of life.  God worked it out that way.

We closed on our winter getaway home in July.  My spouse retired in late December.  Under the grace of God we have both avoided the deadly effects of Covid, so far.  The promise of a vaccine is on the horizon.  We never go without food.  We have more than one place to live.  We can pay our bills on our fixed retirement incomes.  Our health is good.  

I grew spiritually during this year.  I am at the point where my writing skills are now being utilized in the church. My other writing and research projects are going well.  I am doing what I want to do.  Covid helped to keep me away from people and situations that were not good for me personally.  Covid refocused my mind on what I should be focused on.  Covid helped me manage my financial resources better. 

I still have my human faults. But I am a better person than I was on December 30, 2019.  The ways of the world have always failed me.  I no longer seek the glory of this world.

2021. It may get better, it could be worse.  All I can say is so far with one day left, I have survived a world wide pandemic.  In the United States, some 300,000 people did not.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Spiritually Managing The World Around You


2 Timothy 4: 3-5.   For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching.  They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.  They will reject the truth and chase after myths.  But you should keep a clear mind in every situation.  Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord.  Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.

As you continue your Christian spiritual journey, understand that many of the day-to-day cares of the world will not support your journey.  You will need to interject God into daily human rituals that don’t consider God first.  Think of your average day.  If you are in the habit of turning on the morning news, how many news shows begin with a prayer? If you drive to work, how many of your fellow drivers are showing love and compassion to you in their driving techniques?  In school, do your classmates treat you with love as a fellow child of God?  As you shop for groceries are your fellow shoppers behaving as considerate Christians?

The number of non-Christian images thrust at us every day can be overwhelming.  Whether you are at work, in school, watching or streaming television or movies, on social media, shopping for groceries, etc. you will see one common theme.  The world does not openly acknowledge God in many of our daily common activities.  Our government is not focused on incorporating Godly principles into how we are governed.  As Timothy states, we are focused on following our own human desires.

How do we overcome the power of the World?  It takes maximum effort and you must work at it hourly.  Not just every Sunday via church services. The focus of the World is to tell us from a worldly standpoint what we need and what we should do while we are alive in the world.  We are bombarded with that message every hour of every day.  The focus of the World does not include telling us to prepare for life after death through our spiritual journey.  How do we manage the world around us?  As Timothy says “keep a clear mind in every situation.”

During the last year of my work career, every week I would travel from Indianapolis to my last employer in St. Louis, Missouri.  I would live and work in St. Louis during the week and then return to Indianapolis for the weekend.  When driving to and from St. Louis, my journey on I 70 would take me past Effingham, Illinois and a large tall white cross built next to the highway.  198 feet tall and 113 feet wide.  Every time I saw the cross it served as a reminder of where my focus should be as I traveled to work or returned from my week’s work in St. Louis.  It was a reminder that God created us and is in control, even if we don’t acknowledge Him in our daily lives.  The view of the cross was a” reboot” to my mind allowing me to refocus and manage whatever thoughts were on my mind.

Timothy reminds us that it does take “work” to share the Good News with others.  Managing how the world influences us takes work on our part.  We have to filter out what is not of God and search for what is of God in every situation.  Not all of us have the luxury of seeing a nearly 200-foot cross to remind us to reboot and refocus.  In your personal life seek to create a visible landmark and reminder that helps you reboot and manage what you allow from the outside world into your spiritual life.  It could be a scripture verse you keep in your pocket.  Or it could be a Christian themed bracelet or necklace that you wear every day.  Whatever your choice, begin to manage the world around you.  Work at deciding what worldly information comes into your world and what worldly information is kept out.  Work to keep a clear mind in every situation.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Black Men Run (BMR)


This is a letter of Thanksgiving for the existence of Black Men Run (BMR).  Thanks especially to the founders of BMR and those who may have tried before, but were unsuccessful in starting the movement that exists now.   I am writing this from the perspective and memories of my days in the year 1977, when I was a 20-year-old runner, full of energy, enough to be able to run twice a day.  Now I am lucky if I get in 4 runs a week!

I’ve told this story before but it seems more relevant on this Thanksgiving Day.  Back in 1977, I was living in an area near a military base in Indianapolis that had ample space for distance running.   I took advantage of that opportunity and would run 2-3 miles several times a week.  On weekends I would often see a group of European American runners gathered at the YMCA on base for their group run.  I would pass them by never being invited to join their group. I would think, it must be nice to run with others.  I recall running with a couple of older brothers later that summer who lived in the same apartment complex I lived in.  My first group run.  The brotherhood and camaraderie were a positive change from my usual solo runs.

In the early 2000s I ran in several Prostate Cancer 5Ks.  In those events myself and the few black runners in the event would often comment about the lack of black men in “our” event.  Especially in such an event where the cause, Prostate Cancer, impacted many of us. In fact, the Prostate Cancer event in Indianapolis was named after a black gentleman, Charles Williams, who had died from Prostate Cancer.

Move forward to the year 2016.   A friend sent me a link about a group called Black Men Run.  I was still running and was inspired by the runners in the 2016 Olympics to run longer distances.  I was 58 going on 59 and could tell that most of the local BMR chapter runners were younger than me.  But I didn’t hesitate at meeting up with the group for a weekend group run.  Ironically the location for us to meet for the BMR Indianapolis group run was that same YMCA where in 1977 I wasn’t invited to join the European American group runs.

For me BMR is more than just a group where I can be competitive against others.  At my age, it definitely is not about fast times, negative splits, beast mode runs, mini marathons, marathons, etc.  It’s just about the opportunity to run with other brothers, share stories and communicate with someone who looks like me.

When I think of BMR I think of the story my cousin told me about her youth.  I imagine the negative mile splits of her family running away in the middle of the night from a treacherous sharecropper in the 1950’s with all their belongings on their backs.  I think about the past when numerous black boys and men were unable to do distance runs together due to fear of black men.  I think of Ahmaud Arbery.  I think of that YMCA in 1977.

This Thanksgiving I am especially thankful for the BMR Virtual Race Series.  I have long advocated participating in events that reflected “Us” and those causes we care about.   So, when you are out running, doing what you do, understand that BMR hasn’t always been around.  Be thankful that it exists.  

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Make It Personal


Make it Personal

Every second the world thrusts at us information, events, stories, and entertainment activities all focused on life from the human standpoint.  Imagine yourself standing in one spot being covered with all these human based things to the point where only your head, shoulders and arms are visible and free! This continuing flow of humanity threatens to engulf you totally.  Imagine seeing within reach of your free arms a bible. You have a choice to reach for the Word to gain knowledge that will free you from the pile of humanity.  The Word in the bible will describe your real purpose and free you from the pile of human concerns before it engulfs you.  What choice do you make?  Seek the Word or continue to be engulfed by the world?

Why reach for the bible?

Within the bible are the spiritual instructions to know, honor, love, and fellowship with God, our Creator.  Know that it is your spiritual life that will lead you to eternal life and fellowship with God not your worldly life.  As you interact with the world you will constantly be challenged to make choices to infuse spirituality into worldly/Godless situations.  The choices you make will lead you either towards God or further away from God into the values, and rules of humans.  Here are some biblical instructions that God has provided to assist you in your walk.

A strong layer of solid concrete is the foundation of many homes.  In your life, allow God to be your concrete foundation.  

Hebrews 13: 6 says,” So we can say with confidence, The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear.  What can mere people do to me?” 

Psalm 28:7.  The Lord is my strength and shield.  I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. 

Making God your concrete foundation offers you help, provides you strength, and protection.

At your foundation is also the power of communicating with God through prayer. 

Ephesians 6:18.  Pray in the spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

Speaking to God through prayer, expressing your frustrations, desires, hopes, needs can be done anywhere.  At work, in your car, indoors, outdoors.  Establish a prayer routine that will help you build a relationship you with God.

From our foundation we move towards our personal goals and aspirations.  As you move forward towards your goals, understand that the journey will not be problem free.   You will face difficulties, frustrations and hardships.  You will have doubts.  You will be tempted to make decisions contrary to what God wants you to do.   

James 1:2-4.  Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

Romans 5: 3-4. We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.

In your daily life, understand the presence of sin in the world.  Sin is any transgression against the laws of God.  Realize that some choices people make in terms of life styles are sins against God’s law, not a human right. Don’t get tricked by these references to “human rights” as a reason for condoning un Godly behaviors or lifestyles.

Romans 3:23. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. 

Understand that in our daily lives we are subject to situations, where we will have to make a choice to do what is correct and not sinful in nature. How do we control our sinful nature? 

Ephesians 6:10-18 provides the Christian strategy in the spiritual war against sin.  “A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.  For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.  Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil.  Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.  Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness.  For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.  In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.  Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

Your armor can take many forms.  But a full plate of armor requires several pieces linked together.  Here are some examples of what can be in your armor arsenal:

1.       Play gospel music while going to work or school. 

2.       During the week make time to attend a bible study virtually. 

3.       Block out time every day to read and study your bible.

4.       Participate in ministry meetings and church events virtually.

5.       Attend and participate in Sunday School virtually.

6.       Regularly participate in Sunday church services.  

7.       View Christian themed films.

8.       Find a quiet moment in your day while at work or school to just pray, slow your human day down.

9.       Reach out to another believer to check on how they are doing.

10.   Find a nature spot to just enjoy and reflect on what God has given us.

11.   Think about all the blessings in your life, past and present.

Always look for armor arsenal items to help you defend yourself from sin.  Why?

Genesis 4:7 You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out!  Sin is crouching at the door eager to control you.  But you must subdue it and be its master.

 How you connect with God is a personal decision.   What armor works for you may not fit another person.    Specialize your armor and personal walk with God.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Bizarro World of our Alleged President

 The Bizarro World Has Arrived

When I was a kid, I used to read Superman comics.  One of the repeating stories was about Superman discovering an alternate universe of Earth.  It was called the Bizarro World.  In the Bizarro world everything was the exact opposite of life in the real world.  The people had white faces that looked like puzzle pieces put together.  Now this was the early 1960s.  So you know there was no chance of having any black characters in the Bizarro world.  That was one thing that was constant between real comic books and the Bizarro world.  No black people were acknowledged!  We simply did not exist in the eyes of regular white people or Bizarro white people.  I realized this morning that the current alleged President of these United States is from the Bizarro world.  That's why he will not accept that he lost the election.  That's why he lies so much!  He is in the wrong alternate universe.  I think NASA should just go get him....put him on whatever rocket they have and send his ass back to the Bizarro world.  Problem over and we can move on with the transition.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Pre Election Thoughts -2020

 It was November 2016.  My wife and I were touring the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington D.C.   It was the day before the Presidential and national elections.  We were awed by the coverage the museum provided of OUR story as African Americans. A story never fully and honestly told in the American education system.  We returned to the museum the next day, election day, as we felt one day didn't give the museum enough time.  

That evening, we all were given just what we deserved.  A President was elected who has promoted un godly, un Christian like behavior.  A name calling bully who could find no wrong in himself and his behavior.  We as people have implemented all types of decisions and lifestyles that go directly against what we have been taught as creations of God.  We have sought to do whatever we wanted to do regardless of what we have been told God wants us to do or how to behave. Our reward was to be given a President fitting for the behavior and lifestyles we have condoned and supported.

Then we were given Covid.  Another warning regarding our behavior.  Behavior that had us worshipping everything from athletes, entertainers and all the human focused activities we participated in before Covid.  With Covid we were shown that our man made idols, and most of our human activities had no real value or purpose, except to promote our own human desires.

Now we as humans are being given a chance to correct the political course we chose in 2016.  Are enough of us going to participate in the human process of voting to correct the course?  God is waiting to see what we do.  Then he will decide if we are ready to get back on track.

Covid 19 and its resolution is another story.  Our behaviors overall shows there is a large contingent of people who have not gotten the message.  Or they have decided to ignore the message and promote human superiority as the answer to Covid.  Covid seemed to be a great opportunity for many of us to modify our lifestyles and behavior.  A great opportunity to live in accordance with the principles established by God on how we should live and behaver. 

As we enter both the winter season of Covid and the political winter, we should all pause and ask ourselves "Did I get the message and respond accordingly?"

As of today, Covid has yet to have a negative impact on my life.  On the contrary, I have learned to manage my finances better; improved my health; avoided many situations and places not beneficial to me; and made more time to spend reading and then trying to apply the Word of God.

The politics of the President has irritated me but otherwise I understand that God is in control, not a man spouting hatred and stupidity.  No matter what happens tomorrow life will continue as it always continues.  

Why worry about what you cannot control?

Monday, October 19, 2020

A Real Life Testimony on How God truly does provide.

 Matthew 6:25-34 urges us not to worry about every day life. It reminds us how God provides everything we need and to have faith.  Our disconnect is not understanding that what WE think we need may not truly be what we need!

Our human culture often attempts to define what we need via commercials on television, and other visual methods that depict riches, and material items we should aspire to.  Those items and images are forced upon us.  Those images are often not what we need.

My spouse and I have achieved our dream of having a winter getaway home, only through the grace of God.  We always thought we could not afford a second home/winter getaway home unless we had a financial windfall such as winning a lottery.  But, God showed us that our current incomes was sufficient enough to purchase a second home that would be our winter getaway home.  The home is nothing extravagant but it is modern, in a new development, and in a warm weather state.  My wife and I had previously spent the equivalent of two months of mortgage payments at a vacation resort in the past.  So  we knew we had the means, but the question was where to search for the second home?

Last December on one of these expensive vacations, we were relaxing on a bench, God sent to us a gentlemen, I call our Guardian Angel,  who inspired us to put our efforts to finding a winter getaway into action.  God had already placed in my mind that 2020 would be a year when I would cut back on some areas of my spending and just save money.  After talking to our Guardian Angel, I began the serious search for a second home.  This lead to finding an opportunity in Florida.

Here is how God works.  My prior job in Human Resources for the federal government had me as a black male hitting the glass ceiling where jobs I aspired to I was not selected for.  I found myself working in a six figure job with no challenging assignments.  Instead of complaining, I of course continued to seek challenges.  But until the challenges came I used the time to get away from the job and enjoy life.  I traveled to Hawaii, the Grand Canyon, Yosemite Park and other destinations to see the world.  I called it my Pre Retirement Tour.

God then allowed an opening to occur in Human Resources where I was selected to be  a key program manager for 2 years.  After that again the glass ceiling was put back into place above me.  I sought positions across the country seeking to earn the salary I made and new challenges.  Finally God lead me to a Director of Human Resources job in Saint Louis, Missouri where I had spent the first 11 years of my life.  While there one of the employees on my staff became one of my friends.  After I retired from that job we stayed in touch.  This friend told me about a community in Florida to check out as he had moved there.  I finally followed his lead after meeting my Guardian Angel last December.

That community is where my wife and I found our getaway home that provides everything that we need. It's within driving distance of a beach, and provides all the privacy and other amenities that we need and desired of a second home.

Sometimes what we already have is what we need.  Sometimes God has already provides us the means to have what we need.  Beware of those shows on television that display grandiose homes and feature lottery winners who are buying their dream homes.  Call timeout in your life.  Assess if God has already provided what you need.  He did for us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

What Happened to Lysol?


Whatever happened to Lysol?  Remember him?  Before Covid, Lysol was the Man.  Lysol was in every home. Just hanging out in cabinets.  You could always find Lysol waiting on grocery store shelves.  Just waiting for you to take him to your home.  Lysol was a staple on drug store shelves.  Lysol had his yellow can wardrobe, blue can wardrobe, and sometimes would break out in his green can wardrobe.  You needed something sanitized fast you would grab Lysol and Lysol would take care of business.  Then Lysol would just take up guard again on the shelf until called upon next time. 

Germs and viruses would see Lysol and turn the hell around.  Lysol Jones.  Had his own commercials.  They would play the theme to Shaft in black homes when using Lysol.  “I’m talking about Lysol. Well we can dig it.”  I would spray Lysol everywhere.  Inside cars.  On couches.  In bathrooms.  Sinks.  Spray bedsheets.  Toilet seats.  Light switches.  Door knobs.  Trash cans.  Clothes. I even used Lysol as air freshener.  I just knew Lysol would take care of business.

Then came Covid 19.  Once Covid came out Lysol just disappeared.  It’s like in the Avengers Infinity War movie where the Hulk got scared of Thanos.  Bruce couldn’t make the Hulk come out.  The Hulk was saying “nooooooo!” Covid scared the hell out of Lysol.  So, Lysol just left town.  Went out to the   mountains in isolation waiting for Covid to leave.  Somebody said they even saw one yellow can of Lysol in Antarctica. Then somebody else said they saw Lysol in Africa in the jungle. 

Bad boy Covid is still hanging around acting a damn fool. So now when you go to any store you can’t find a Lysol can anywhere.  You just see signs, “Him gone!” Now in place of Lysol you got all these second-class super hero virus fighters.  Stuff that people made in their bathroom tubs and stuff and forced into cans and bottles.  Labels all crooked on the can.  Instead of a spray can, you have to pump stuff out and throw it at what you want sanitized.  These pretenders have tough names too.  Like “Wipe out”. “Virus Blaster”. “Oh no you don’t!” and “B Gone”.

I do want to see Lysol take on Covid one on one.  Don’t wimp out like the Hulk did.  I want Lysol to come back meaner and tougher.  Redesign the Lysol can.  Make it all black. Put some bold red and green letters on the can L Y S O L.  Two black power fists coming out of the top of the can.  Make some commercials where Lysol comes out of the sky and lands right in front of Covid.  Then Lysol blasts Covid with Lysol rays and just evaporates Covid in mini explosions.  That’s the American way!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Those who thought they were superior to Covid 19

 There is something inherently wrong with the President and other politicians being admitted to hospitals for early symptoms of Covid 19.  Am I wrong when it seems the average person has not been admitted to hospitals until they have severe symptoms?  In fact, back in March of this year a former associate of mine who had called the doctor and hospital several times as his symptoms got worse was told to not to come to the hospital for immediate treatment.  He and his oldest son eventually died of Covid 19.

Does a person's position/status in life determine when and what  treatment they receive?  The President is supposed to have been given special drug cocktails and experimental treatments.  These same cocktails and treatments have not been available to "average" people.  Ironically the President, his family, and his friendly politicians are the same people who refused to wear a mask at public gatherings.  It was their choice not to wear a mask to protect themselves and those they would come into contact with after the gathering.

So now we are supposed to pray for them and feel sad because they made  bad decisions to not wear a mask, or to sponsor or  attend public gatherings?  No.  I sympathize with those who tried to practice safety during Covid but still were infected.  Those who did not take precautions and flaunted their perceived superiority over Covid are now facing the consequences of their decision.  

Now will their behavior change?  Will they now wear a mask and avoid sponsoring public events?  Let's find out....

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Letter to the Mayor of Fishers, Indiana on diversity of materials in local library

 Mayor Fadness,

 As a retired person on a fixed income, I try to find ways to save money.  One way is to use our local library to obtain books instead of purchasing a book for a one time reading only.


As a black person, the topics I seek are often covered by minority authors. Or the topics in a book might run contrary to the belief that European Americans can do no wrong.


In the past two years I have sought several books from the Hamilton East Public Library.  I have often been shocked to find out that some classic books by black author, or controversial books involving treatment of black people in this country, are not part of the library’s holdings.  To their credit the library does try to obtain the books using the interlibrary loan system.  In some cases the library has even purchased books by black authors that I suggested.


One of the books I sought from Hamilton East is titled, “Before the Mayflower” by Lerone Bennett.  It is a classic book on the history of black people in the United States from our roots to enslavement.  The library obtained it through the interlibrary loan system and did not decide to purchase it for its holdings.


Fishers prides itself on being  one of the top upcoming municipalities in the United States.  This does not seem to follow in the area of diversity and availability of diverse library holdings.  I also found that books on the treatment of Native Americans seem to be un welcomed as part of the library’s holdings.


The library has sent me a link to the policy on what books and materials the library will seek.  I understand that approximately 90% of Fishers’ citizens are European Americans.  But does that mean that only topics and viewpoints of European Americans will be sought for the holdings of the library?  To paraphrase a current theme, the Fishers library does  not make it seem as if “all lives matter”.  Or the phrase, “God Bless the United States of America….and no one else.”.  The content of the library’s holdings makes it seem as if topics involving non white races/cultures are not aggressively sought.  Viewpoints that paint European Americans in a negative view seem to be kept out of the library. 


Fishers has initiated a race relations initiative.  That is a positive move.  Just understand that if supporting institutions such as libraries, schools etc. do not promote diversity your actions will not succeed.  If the viewpoints of minorities are not sought via something as basic as library books in the holdings of the public library, progress is not being made.


Books that outline what really happened to Native Americans, and books that document the massacre of black people during and after Reconstruction must be shared.  It is only through revelation of the facts that healing from past racist policies can occur.




Mr. Arnell Hill


Monday, September 28, 2020

Victoria Spartz - Opportunist?

 Earlier this year, every advertisement for Victoria Spartz seemed to tie her to Donald Trump.  She expressed loyalty and commitment to Trump's policies and personal habits.  If so, maybe voters should ask to see Spartz's tax records from the past 10 years.  We do not need another politician seeking movement up the political ladder to profit personally for themselves and their business interests.  We do not need Victoria Spartz representing us in the 5th District.

Since Trump has experienced negative fallback over the past 2 months, the advertisements of Spartz have removed all ties to Donald Trump.  But, it's too late.  We all know she is a closet Trumper who believes and promotes the same self interests as her idol, one of the world's biggest tax evaders.  As you vote early, vote by mail or vote in person, understand that Spartz is not the bi partisan politician we need in our Congressional district.

Also, don't believe the negative advertisements about her opponent pressing for more taxes.  We all know that raising taxes and throwing money at problems does not work!  Spartz opponent is well aware of that fact.  Please don't fall for the negative ads that are making an emotional appeal rather than a factual appeal.

It is time we sent potential pro Russian, self promoting candidate for Congress back to where they belong.  And that is not in the halls of Congress.

Vote for anybody else but Victoria Spartz.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

For You Folks Who Refuse to Wear a Mask

 Most stores and establishments are very clear on their policies regarding wearing a mask during this Covid season.  So why do people go to places where a mask is required and then once you are inside the establishment decide you have the authority to no longer abide by the policy?

My spouse just encountered an experience on Southwest Airlines where a passenger refused to keep their mask on during the flight.  The plane had just departed and due to the passenger's rude behavior had to return to the airport so security could take this idiot off the plane.

So you knew the policy before you got on board and planned this all along?  The airlines should have allowed each passenger to slap this passenger before he/she was taken off the plane.  If you want to protest against a policy respect the travel plans of those you are impacting.  Otherwise, stay at home or get a rental car!

I guess it will come down to such passengers being subject to being sued if an event occurs where a delay causes a passenger to later be harmed.

Stupid Selfish Human Tricks.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Mr. Boseman

 He left us yesterday.  He left behind memories of him in the portrayals of positive black male images. Images that as a child growing up in the 1960s I never saw.  Through his movie roles he gave us stories about black super heroes.  The early struggles of black sports figures.  Black entertainers.  Those involved in the legal struggle for the human rights of black people.  I enjoyed the movies of Chadwick Bozeman.  Several of them are in my DVD collection.  We thank God for giving him to us for the time he was with us.  He fulfilled his purpose.  God has called him Home.  We don't always leave this life in a "peaceful" manner.  For whatever reason we leave after a period of suffering.  It is as though this suffering is necessary to escape from this world.  Thank you Mr. Boseman for your body of work through the movies you made.  Thank you for giving black and other minority youth an image they could relate to in the made up world of "super heroes".  Your work included us as being special also.  I waited some 50 plus years to see my black super hero on the movie screen.  It was worth the wait.  Our condolences to your family as they grieve his loss from this world.  Rejoice in knowing he has moved onward to the next level, the final destination we should all aspire to.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Six Months Into Covid - My Report

 I first must thank God that my wife and I have to date not been infected by Covid 19.  My spouse and I had traveled to New Orleans in mid February just as Mardi Gras was starting up.  We then departed New Orleans for a 7 night cruise during the height of Mardi Gras.  As we boarded the cruise ship, the concerns at that time were only for those people who had traveled to China in the past few months.  We still religiously washed our hands while on the ship and practiced extensive safe hygiene.  After we returned home from the cruise reports started to come in that Covid 19 was rampant in New Orleans due to the close crowd contacts during Mardi Gras.

In early March the virus began it's spread throughout the United States.  As it spread more our normal activity of eating out in restaurants came to a halt in the second week of March.  I experienced my first view of a grocery store nearly being empty of food during my first shopping spree during the initial hoarding and panic by those with a selfish nature. Unlike the present, grocery stores had not prepared a policy on limiting the amount of items customers could by during pandemic conditions.  There  were shortages of many common household items normally found in stores.

Normal activities of going to the store, a restaurant, movie theater, retail stores, became a hazard as the virus was spreading through human contact.  People were finally advised to stay at home and then to wear a mask if you had to go out.

During the past months my wife and I have been allowed to stay Covid free.  The impacts of Covid on our lives has mostly been in the area of reduced ability to eat inside restaurants and to participate in entertainment adventures we had become accustomed to.  We did not lose a job, nor have we faced any economic losses. Unlike the 170,000 people who have died from Covid related illnesses, we have been very fortunate to have prospered somewhat during Covid.

Although I had already been lead by God to plan on just saving money this year and reducing travel and entertainment expenses, Covid definitely helped to ensure I could not travel anywhere for entertainment this year! The money I would have spent on travel and entertainment went towards the purchase of property in the state of Florida, a state I have visited over 40 times in the past 30 years.  During Covid I was able to direct funds into purchase of the new property and at the same time pay off debts I had incurred in the past months.  That resulted in all of my credit cards being at zero balance by the time we closed on the new property.

The primary negative event during Covid was the death of my mother at age 89.  She had suffered from the ravages of Alzheimer's for 3 years.  I was able to see her for the last time just before Covid ramped up.  To show you how God is there when you especially need him, my back and forth battle with the Veterans Affairs over benefits she had deserved to get since 2018 was settled during Covid at the exact time when the funds were needed to help pay for 24 hour homecare for her.  She received a $15,000 retroactive payment a month before she passed away.  Those funds were instrumental in allowing her to have quality care during her last month of life.

I continue to practice safe habits during this Covid season.  I wear a mask whenever I go out to stores and when I am around people in general.  I do not understand the refusal of some people to wear a mask.  It just shows respect for humanity and the fact that we are fragile.  I do wonder if the people refusing to wear a mask even believe in God?  Their behavior to me does not reflect a fear of God or a respect for the people God created.

I only flew on an airplane once during Covid.  That was to attend the funeral of my mother.  It was an eerie experience.  One plane was only half full and the airports were  nearly deserted.  Most of our human entertainment/idolization activities have come to a halt.  Cruise ships, sporting events, movies, museums,  concerts.  All of our monuments to our self and our care free behaviors have been put on hold.  We have been given the opportunity to redirect our activities elsewhere.  I have used my free time for getting more into the Word of God and focusing on improving my spirituality and seeking a life after this life.  There is eternal life through God.  The pleasures of this world are truly temporary.  All the fun activities I experienced before Covid were great, but they are gone and are now just memories.

I have decided to seek a future after my worldly death.  So I try to abide by the principles expressed in the bible regarding what our human behavior should be like while we are on this earth.  The human goals of wealth, fun, and "nothing should be kept from me" I no longer believe in.  Their are limits set by God on our behavior.  Abide by those rules and have everlasting life.  Do not abide by the rules and live your "heaven on earth" will have dire and negative consequences.

I can not explain why each of the 170,000 people who have died from Covid 19 had to leave life via the impacts of Covid.  I pause out of respect for the pain family members experienced in losing a loved one.  I only know that Covid did modify my behaviors.  It kept me out of places I did not belong in, and focused me in a direction that provides potential for long term positive results.  It has sharpened my spirituality and ironically brought financial blessings and better health to my life.

There is no promise that I will escape the ravages of Covid 19.  This I know. For now I do have a peace and understanding of life that I truly did not have before Covid 19.  Stay safe and seek God during these times.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Truth Being Kept out of Public Libraries

Unfortunately I only became aware over the past two years that libraries in European American communities are selective in presenting information to the serviced community. Basically these libraries are dedicated to gathering book collections that present European Americans as being the thoughtful, kind, honest, and best race that has ever lived on the planet Earth.

You will be surprised at what books by other races, some award winning books, can not be found in the holdings of libraries in European American communities.

It is a form of reverse censorship.  Keep from the people written information that you do not want them to know.  Hiding the racist, genocidal background of the United States of America is a path that many institutions, under the names of public libraries, have conspired to support.

Here are  sample of books that present the truth about the ugly side of America.  If you do not find these books in your local library, then the truth is being kept from you.

"Before the Mayflower" by Lerone Bennett Jr..
"Native American Testimony"  by Peter Nabokov
"The New Indians" by Stan Steiner
"The Earth Shall Week: A history of Native America by James Wilson
"The Day Freedom Died:  The Colfax Massacre,  The Supreme Court and the Betrayal of Reconstruction" by Charles Lane.

You will find this same strategy in our educational system.  The truth on how European Americans systematically annihilated the Native American culture has not been taught in schools in the United States. The fact that European Americans were too lazy to manage and develop the land stolen from Native Americans will never be taught in schools in the United States.  That laziness lead to the American institution of slavery and the kidnapping of thousands of human beings to do the work European Americans were too lazy to do themselves.

European American libraries are where European American fantasies come true.  They are monuments similar to the ones now being taken down across the country.  If you live in a European American community, look for a book that has an opinion contrary to the belief that European Americans can do no wrong.  How many can you find?

Friday, June 19, 2020

#StandAndPray - Elevate Your Concerns for Justice

If these words have wisdom and insight, I obtained them from God.  If they are the selfish ramblings of a human being, they come from me.

Let us first examine the contrasting images.  The first image.  The image of athletes of all ages and in various sports taking a knee in protest against social injustices.  Then there is the second image.  The horrific image of the Minneapolis police officer taking a knee on the neck of George Floyd resulting in Mr. Floyd’s death. 

First, what is the meaning of taking a knee?  In football it is an action taken by the quarterback to run out the clock.  Taking a knee is supposed to force the opposing team to take a timeout, if they have any left, for them to stop the clock.  Is that all we want as we react to social injustices?  Yes, taking a knee does cause a life timeout for reflection.  But then the life clock restarts and the same injustices continue.  Taking a knee is also considered to be an act of victory.  Football players also take a knee when another player is injured.  It is a respectful way to acknowledge concern for the player’s health and well-being.  Respect, humility, and allegiance have also been tied to the act of taking a knee.
Some have taken the action of taking a knee as being disrespectful to the symbol of the nation’s flag.  Or that it is disrespectful to those who have given their lives to support the symbols and idealistic meaning the flag is supposed to have.  The message and intent of taking a knee was hijacked.  The video of George Floyd being murdered by a knee to the neck was a powerful message of evil.  What evil can do was visualized via video for over 8 minutes.  It displayed how the police system allowed a policeman and his cohorts to kill a man.  It was simply evilness in action.  An unlawful action by the police where if a private citizen had intervened would have likely resulted in the prosecution of any person(s) who might have saved Mr. Floyd’s life.

Colin Kaepernick’s act of taking a knee during the national anthem was a silent protest.  It was a protest against the social conditions where black men and women were being killed by the police, or private citizens when the circumstances did not warrant deadly action.  Colin was advised to take a knee by a former veteran after first having remained seated during the playing of the national anthem.  That action of sitting was also seen as disrespectful.
If you do happen to go to a sports event at any level; grade school, high school, college, or professional level, where the national anthem is played, just join hands with your partner/family/friends and stand and pray during the national anthem.  #StandAndPray.  It’s time to elevate our concerns to a higher source rather than lowering our concerns to ground level. 

During those moments when the symbolic national anthems are played before sporting events, let’s not kneel to protest, or stand simply to support a symbol.  Let’s stand, join hands if you desire, but let’s stand and pray.  #StandAndPray.  Pray for action against the social injustices in these United States and in the world.  Pray for those who have lost loved ones due to Covid-19, or other diseases.  Pray for those just grieving over the natural cause death of loved ones.  Simply just #StandAndPray for whatever is on your mind.  It is your moment of quiet and clarity before you move into a full “sports fan” mode.  It doesn’t matter what religious faith you are.  Pray in the manner that reflects your faith.  Standing and Praying is not a mandatory act.  It is voluntary.  If you just want to stand and sing the national anthem with your hand over your heart, do so.  But, also respect the person next to you who has chosen to #StandAndPray.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Stand and Pray Challenge

With the number of Covid-19 cases starting to decline, many people will soon return to attending whatever sports events become available to spectators.

If you decide to attend a post Covid -19 sports event, please accept the following challenge.  At the sports event you attend, when the announcement comes to please stand for the national anthem, stand and pray.

Pray with thanks that God showed you Grace to allow you to survive Covid-19.  Pray for the families of the 100,000 plus in the United States and those around the world who died from Covid-19. Use the time to pray for help with the personal challenges you are facing in this world. Make your prayer personal.

Standing for the national anthem was a long time ritual meant to support patriotism during wartime.  But now we find ourselves in a different type of war.  Please use the private time you have before your sports event starts to simply StandAndPray.  Then enjoy the distraction of the sports event for the next few hours before returning to the realities of life.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ridiculous Covid catch words/phrases!

"Unprecedented times", "we're all in this together", "uncertain time" this are the words and phrases I see in the emails, commercials, and other Covid propaganda being sent out these days.  My general reaction has been, "well that's a stupid comment!"  Especially the "We're all in this together".  Now people, you know that is a bunch of non sense.  Those in customer service jobs are the ones who are "in this all together".  They were the ones providing services to the more economically well off.

Unprecedented times?  Really?  Doesn't anyone study or look back at the history of this world?  There have been many pandemics and health crises throughout life on planet Earth.  "Uncertain times"?  All time is uncertain.  Again, look back through history.

Some marketing "genius" was paid big $$$ for creating and regurgitating those terms at us.  Of course everyone copied the terms and used them in relation to their business or service.  Now when I hear a commercial or an email with those terms I just say, "Shut up!"

We know we are all going through a personal trial, major trial, or even a life changing or ending event.  We don't need your stupid phrases and comments on us all being together.  What's next, the slogan "air is good"?

IHG Hotel Inconsistencies

Last week I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express for 3 nights in the Mesquite, Texas area. This week I am staying in another Holiday Inn Express in the Port Charlotte, Florida area. I have noted inconsistencies in the IHG brand and reported those issues.

In Mesquite, the stairwell is painted all gray to include the stairs and the landing. It is difficult to ascertain if you are stepping on a step or a landing requiring the person to slowly walk down to ensure you are on level footing. It is an accident waiting to happen.

In Port Charlotte, the stairs are painted red which helps to clearly show you are on a stair versus the landing.

In both locations housekeeping was not wearing masks during this Covid virus season. This is unacceptable for both the workers and the guests. Can't IHG afford to purchase and require housekeeping wear masks for the safety or the workers and of the guests?? The same for gloves. I don't believe I saw any of the housekeepers wearing gloves. IHG can and should do better. Workers such as housekeeping are among the first line people who deal directly with people. Just because these are typically low level jobs does not mean the workers should be given low level treatment. Do better or you will lose my business. Respect your employees more than you are.

Lastly, at Mesquite the breakfast buffet was still in effect and was well done. In Port Charlotte the buffet was stopped. Guests are given small packaged muffins, and can get milk or juice (while available) from a gallon jug and pour it into a cup. Gallon size baggies are available for putting the fruit, muffin, and cold cereal packages into.

I understand each community has different levels of Covid rules, but IHG should have consistent policies on housekeeping attire, and on breakfast buffets. Is anyone addressing these inconsistencies? What is being doing to correct the situations? Especially in the area of personal protective equipment for your housekeepers? Is is every person for themselves with IHG?

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Covid. The Newest Bully on the Block

There is a new bully patrolling the world.  No it's not a new dictator.  It's not the head of a cult.  It's a ferocious, quick attacking, diabolical virus we have commonly called Corona or Covid-19.  This bully is making its way through neighborhoods and applying major beat downs to the human race.  Maybe not as powerful as it's ancestors, The Spanish Flu or Typhoid Fever.  Covid still is brining havoc to our daily lives.  Disrupting every aspect of our life.  Covid is such a bad bully we don't even come out of the house in fear of meeting up with Covid on the street somewhere.

We hide our faces behind masks so Covid won't recognize us and track us down later.  Covid has bullied us out of our jobs, swept us out of our churches, made us hoard food at the store that normally would take us 8 months to eat.  Now you can't find a tub of margarine in the store thanks to Covid!

So why is Covid picking on us?  Only because it can and no one is stopping Covid yet.  Where is Batman, Superman, Spiderman or even the Incredible Hulk?  If those super heroes can make billions of dollars and save the world on the movie screen, why can't they beat up Covid for us?  I don't understand it.

I think we should get ESPN (they have nothing else to do now) to sponsor a boxing match between Covid and Governor Cuomo of New York.  Now that would be worth the price of admission.  So grab your sanitizer, after washing your hands for 2 minutes.  Pop some popcorn, get your beverage of choice and get ready for the main event.  Covid-19, undefeated, versus the challenger, the  man of many charts and slides, Governor Cuomo of New York State!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Open and Safe? Now what do you do?

And here we go. May 1st.  The restrictions on stay at home are being eased.  You have already made a decision on whether you should resume your pre Covid-19 activities.  First, I would suggest you think about how difficult was it for you to deal with the restrictions?  Then ask yourself if it was difficult, why?  How did you personally benefit from the restrictions?

Did your behavior change during this Covid-19 outbreak?  Was that change a positive change in your behavior? 

Unless you were already leading the life of a Saint, we all had the opportunity to initiate positive change during this Covid outbreak.  For those who lost jobs, you had a sudden change forced upon you.  Your opportunity to change for the positive was limited.  You were forced to find a way to continue the lifestyle you had established.  You may have been forced to determine where is your next meal coming from?

Each of us know how we benefited and how we may have suffered from this Covid outbreak.  One thing is certain. We have been prepared for the next outbreak.

General global lessons learned.  The government wasn't prepared.  It was a medical 911 event.  One day we are told "there is no need to wear a mask."  A month later we are told, "You should wear a mask in public".  Based on that  statement alone, I will never fully trust the government to put out medical information that can be trusted. 

So what do you do now?  Prepare for the next wave.  You know what products you should have in your home by now.  You know what activities that you really did not miss during the Covid outbreak.  If it wasn't essential consider not going back to those activities.  If you were able to save money, you know how you did so.

If you improved in a major way, stay the course.  If you found yourself spiritually, do not let the temptations and offerings of the world take you off course.  Remember, you cannot see the virus.  It is still out there and it is possible for you to still be infected.  Continue those safe sanitary practices.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Stand and Pray - Post Covid Sports Events

Post Covid-19.  After the virus, there will be changes put in place designed to deter the spread of viruses.  That's good. That's fine.

Now is also a time to modify one our great traditions.  The tradition of playing the national anthem before sporting events.  The tradition began during World War II when the anthem was played at NFL and Major League baseball games to support patriotism within the country.  The tradition continued after the war well into the 21st century.  We tend to get stuck in our traditions.

Forgotten was the point that sports was supposed to be a distraction from real life drama, including military conflicts.  In the 1968 Olympics, Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised a fist during the medal ceremony while the national anthem was being played.  They were protesting racial inequality and racism in the United States.  For that act of protest they were banned from the Olympics and sent home. Their futures, what little there was for black men then, were ruined.

Some 45 plus years later, NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, began taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem as a social protest against the mistreatment of black people in the United States.  As in 1968, politicians and others attempted to place Colin's actions as a form of disrespect against the military and those who fought and died in past and present wars.   It was a brilliant technique and distraction to cover the real reason for the social protest.  Of course many people fell for the distraction.  Colin was blackballed after the 2016 NFL season and no team has given him the opportunity to play in the NFL again.  Welcome to America Colin!

As we reflect  during Covid-19, we realize that it will be awhile before people will gather in arenas and stadiums to watch sporting events. During this pause, we have the opportunity to rethink the national anthem tradition.   Do we continue the current tradition?  Or do we use the moment to finally and publicly acknowledge that we were created by a God whose Grace has allowed many of us to survive a world wide pandemic and many more events in the past?

Before each sporting event, let's try this.  Play a soft quiet instrumental melody, devoid of human words. Invite the audience to "Stand and Pray".  Allow each person to stand in place and pray to God in his or her own way.  No one person leads the crowd in prayer.  This is personal.  Each person says or doesn't say what ever prayer they want.

What happens if players' don't stand and pray?  Nothing. They have that right not to pray.  Will they be blackballed out of their league?  What happens if someone in the audience doesn't stand?  Nothing.  They too have the right not to pray.

The first sporting event after Covid-19 would be a great time to start this practice.  Whether it's high school, college, or at the professional level.  Stand and Pray.  Raise your hands above your head and Stand and Pray.  Give thanks for surviving Covid-19.  Pray for those who did not survive Covid-19.  Pray for the families who lost loved ones due to Covid-19.  Pray for nursing homes in the future  being safe from such devastating events.  Pray for events not related to Covid-19.  Just Stand and Pray!

Covid-19 is a worldwide humbling event.  It got our attention, by force.  It  changed many of us, even if we were not infected.  It put our sports idols on the shelves.  It made many entertainers irrelevant.  Standing in line for over an hour for  a box of food can make you forget about that personality you idolized for years.  The social distancing brought some of us closer to God or introduced us to God for the first time.  Covid-19 gave us time together in our homes.  It separated some of us from loved ones in hospitals.  It made us appreciate whatever blessings we have in our lives. The virus was the means by which we were given the opportunity to reflect on our behavior and actions.

Lessons learned.  Now it's time to react.  At our sporting events Stand and Pray.  Even if the national anthem continues to be played.  Raise your arms, and Stand and Pray.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lessons Learned and Revelations from Our Covid-19 Season

We are into the fourth month of the decade of the 2020s.  In the past there  have been many doom and gloom predictions regarding the future of mankind.  We are living through one of those scenarios.  Yes, it is a repeat scenario from past years.  Over 300 years ago, small pox and other diseases decimated the Native American population.  Within the United States,  there have been Spanish flu epidemics, typhoid fever and other pandemic situations.

Since we as people are more students of "The Now" we are not commonly aware of the repeat nature of such pandemics.  We do not remember the health scares of the early 1900s.  Within my own family are ancestors who died from the Spanish Flu and typhoid fever of the 1900s.

We also are a world where recognition of the existence of God and living the life God intended for us is not our priority.  Instead we live out our lives following the principles of what we think is a successful human life.  Many of those principles involve success based on accumulation of material things and how much wealth we are able to obtain.  In a 24 hour day, the average devotion to God (if we measured it among all people in the world) would likely be less than 2 hours out of 168 hours in a week.  Subtract 56 hours for 8 hours of sleep each week and we are left with 112 hours of our weekly time.  Two hours out of 112 hours to acknowledge, thank, pray, and reflect on our relationship with God.  That's about 1.7 per cent of our time devoted to God.

Yes, of course there are many exceptions.  Some people likely spend over 50% and some spend 0%.  Throughout our existence as people, we have been sent constant reminders of the need for us as people to get our lives together and focus on our relationship with God.  The goal being to continue with a life after human death.  There is more ahead of us if we decide to pursue it.  Human death is not the conclusion.

This virus season is another time out warning from God.  A reminder that God really is in control.  Our governmental institutions scramble around trying to find the " human solution" to Covid-19.  We don't realized the  "solution" will be given to mankind when God wants us to have it.  God wants us to each reflect on the conduct of our lives.  God wants us to turn towards him, not to the human idols we have constructed.  Our fascination with sports and athletes we have made our idols is one example.  Have you noticed that your life is fine without the distraction of professional sports and professional athletes?  Has any athlete developed a cure for Covid-19?  Remember that when this pandemic ends.  Remember that many professional athletes were tested for Covid-19 well before you were tested.

Maybe this season is a reminder that we as people are seriously at the breaking point of straying too far away from God.  In the past year many people  have memorialized  personalities who have tragically passed away such as athletes and social/entertainers more than have paid attention to God.  Our commercial television shows commonly feature and promote homosexual lifestyles never promoted or condoned by God as His plan for humanity.  As we stray away from God's plan, do not be surprised by events such as pandemics and other events to come.

Ask and you shall receive.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Covid 19 - What Have you learned?

What have you personally learned during this Covid-19 virus season?  What will change in your behavior after Covid-19?  What is your story?

We exit this world through death.  That departure might be in a dramatic fashion. Or it could be a quiet ending, anticipated over time.   We just don’t simply flip a switch and turn off our life. (Although some try through suicide).  We just don’t say, I choose to die at a specific, time, and place and then await that moment .  No, we die from accidents and illnesses, such as Covid-19.  

In the past months Covid-19 has taken away people we knew.  Covid ended their earthly journey. At the end we could not sit next to them.  We could not hold their hand.  We could not comfort them in their last moments.  We were physically distanced from each other.  We were all placed into our own social cocoons. Left in some cases to communicate via electronic means or through barriers.

Ask yourself, “How has this pandemic affected me?”  Did you connect spiritually with God?  Did your faith grow stronger?  If you did not connect spiritually, why not?

Prior to the onslaught of Covid -19, we chose to not begin the start of athletic contests, whether it be National Football League, National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball games, etc. with a prayer.  Instead we opted in for everyone to stand and sing a “national anthem to our human greatness. When Covid ends will we now start sports events with a common prayer that we all can say?  Or will we continue the self-adulation expressed in our national anthems?  Will we stop worrying about individuals who choose to kneel in protest over social issues. Will we recognize that it isn’t about disrespecting the flag or those who fight wars to protect us from ourselves?  It’s about our continuing to not put God first in our lives.   It’s not about idolizing sports personalities and reacting with compassion and sorrow only when a sports celebrity dies unexpectedly.

After Covid will the news on television start with a prayer? Or will it once again go into the pre Covid dramatic headline “Breaking News”?

Will we return to the idolization of ourselves or will we be humbled and recognize more the existence of the God who Created us?

Will we return to being the self proclaimed greatest country on Earth? That same country that was unprepared to save the lives of those impacted by Covid-19?  The same country that could do nothing to save the lives of some 40,000 plus people?  The same country that was unable to place needed supplies and equipment in the precise places needed at the precise time?  That same country with a national government and leader who was unable to bring the country together in a united fight against a common nemesis?

Will we continue to not recognize God because we can not see God in a physical form, or hear him as clearly as we can hear a chirping bird?  Will we continue to not fear God because we can’t see God?  But, we fear the unseen enemy, Covid-19, to the point of constantly sanitizing and washing our hands.  We wear masks and other “PPE”.  We can’t see Covid-19 but we know it’s there.  Just as we know there is a God by looking at the sky, breathing in the air, watching the sun rise and set; watching the changes of Seasons; and knowing this God has provided for us to live every day.  It’s not wrong to acknowledge that those great ideas that people develop came from God.

Will this virus season wake you up to those realities?  Will you return to your sports idols?  Will you return to your life distractions and cheer loudly when in golf someone hits a small ball into a cup in the ground?  Will you shout with exuberance when a baseball player hits a baseball farther, catches a ball greater, or if a basketball player jumps higher and gyrates their body wildly while slamming a basketball through the net?  Will you return to idolizing those same players who were tested for Covid-19 well before there was a thought of testing you and your family?  Will your idols and personal interests still excite you more than acknowledging that there is a God and we all should worship God first?

If we return to our own humanistic habits than you/we have learned nothing from this virus season.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Coronanator - Rise of the Virus Part 1

The President’s science guy has let us all know.  This health crisis is  straight out of “The Terminator” movie series.  Dr. Faucet, the President’s go to science guy, said the Corona virus told Dr. Faucet, “I’ll be back” in the Fall of this year.

That is a call to action.  It’s obvious what we need to do.  To stop more illnesses and deaths of innocent people.  To defeat Virusnet.  We the people of the Resistance need to send somebody back through time to defeat the virus when it first appeared in China.  It’s the most sensible solution.  Somebody go round up Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton and have them suit up.  Send them back to Wu Han province in China prior to January 2020 and have them deal with Virusnet before it launched the Corona virus.  If you want to, send President Trump back with them.  Let Trump sweet talk Corona with some kind of business deal that will keep Corona away from the United States.

If we don’t send someone back now, you know a new model of Corona will be messing us up in the Fall. Corona will be stronger, faster, ripping masks off our faces.   But we know how it will work.  Virusnet will keep on sending Coronanators to wipe us out.  More advanced, and more deadly.  We have to keep sending folks back into time though.  If Arnold, Linda and Trump don’t work out, send somebody else.  Send “The Rock”, “can you smell the virus the Rock is cooking.”  Send Daniel Craig, Mr. James Bond himself.  Send the cheating Houston Astros baseball team.  If they can’t pull one over the Coronanators, nobody can.

This is it people.  The rise of the viruses.  Are you ready?