Saturday, June 29, 2024

Does Biden's Health Compare to that of President Roosevelt's in 1944?

 I did not watch the debate.  We already knew what physical and mental shape he was in at age 81.  Father time has taken its toll.  He was retired and doing what he wanted to do when the 45th President, elected in 2016 continued to act a fool.  Saying and doing the ridiculous things American citizens wanted him to say.  45 was an obvious threat to the better principles of the United States of America.  Joe as the former Vice President under President Obama, had stepped aside in the 2016 election to pave a path for the first woman to become President of the United States.  The Hollywood script unfortunately did not turn out the way everyone thought it would.  As the 45th President's behavior continued to be far from Presidential, Joe Biden felt compelled to seek public service again and campaign for the office of President of the United States.

Unfortunately, time does continue and the abilities Joe had then have diminished.  We all know that and can see that.  Why won't he step aside?  Only he knows.  Is it that he does not believe this racist country would allow his Vice President, a woman of color,  to suceed him as the 47th President of the United States?  I think that is one reason.  But, the "party" Joe is a member of could find someone else to nominate for President.  An  unlikely thing since Kamala was chosen as the person best skilled to take over for Joe Biden if something happened to him.

Well, maybe it's time for Joe to resign and allow Kamala to create a record as President in the 4 months til the election.  The racists are already primed to react negatively to Kamala if she takes office  now,   Some reactions will be  based on Kamala's policy viewpoints.  But come on people.  This is the United States of America.  The country were democracy allowed the enslavement of people of color for over 150 years as property of mostly European Americans.  As with President Obama there will be backlash just based on the heritage and color of Vice President Harris.

All I can say is Joe, thank you for your service.  I pray you are able to step down from the position of President of the United States and enjoy whatever time you have left on this earth. You deserve it.  You have earned it.

To Vice President Harris.  You know what's coming.  Prepare yourself.  Be in prayer that you govern as God would want you to govern.

There is precedent for the failing health of a President.  President Roosevelt in 1944 ran for a fourth term.  His health had begun to decline before the end of his 3rd term.  Roosevelt was 63 years old when he passed away in 1945.  His vice president, Harry Truman, did okay for himself as the new President.  It's time to give Kamala Harris the opportunity.  Opportunity which historically the United States of America, did not want to give people of color for hundreds of years.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Abdul Jabaar features Boston Celtics coach's "religious" comments

 I saw a headline in Mr. Abdul Jabaar's blog about the Boston Celtics coach, who is black, missing an opportunity to make a comment  on "race".  Abdul Jabaar had featured an article by reporter Vincent Goodwill.  Goodwill had an issue with the Boston Coach responding to a question regarding 2 black coaches in the NBA finals by responding, "I wonder how many of those have been Christian coaches?" 

I thought the response was a good answer to a repetitive human question regarding race as a defining factor.  Why isn't someone's religious belief not mentioned in discussions?  Is not that as important or more important than a person's race?  Of course there was no follow up to the coaches responses.  Apparently, sports reporters do not know how to deal with issues dealing with religious beliefs as they relate to one's profession.

I did not see what Abdul Jabaar's opinion was regarding the response.  Can you share that with us Mr. Abdul Jabaar?