Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Abdul Jabaar features Boston Celtics coach's "religious" comments

 I saw a headline in Mr. Abdul Jabaar's blog about the Boston Celtics coach, who is black, missing an opportunity to make a comment  on "race".  Abdul Jabaar had featured an article by reporter Vincent Goodwill.  Goodwill had an issue with the Boston Coach responding to a question regarding 2 black coaches in the NBA finals by responding, "I wonder how many of those have been Christian coaches?" 

I thought the response was a good answer to a repetitive human question regarding race as a defining factor.  Why isn't someone's religious belief not mentioned in discussions?  Is not that as important or more important than a person's race?  Of course there was no follow up to the coaches responses.  Apparently, sports reporters do not know how to deal with issues dealing with religious beliefs as they relate to one's profession.

I did not see what Abdul Jabaar's opinion was regarding the response.  Can you share that with us Mr. Abdul Jabaar?

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