Saturday, August 17, 2024

Social Media - Time for a reboot

 I have believed for years, that in general people want their views and opinions heard. Then people want an action taken or some result from their opinion being hears. Sometimes a person's comments are an emotional release. An opportunity to tell a famous person off, or at least embarrass that personality. There are some who express original ideas, but I have come across no one in this social media era who fits the saving grace and great idea category.

Social media has turned into a bully pulpit. An emotional non stop hurricane of emotional vitriol, nasty, disrespectful comments devoid of any redeeming value. Social media 1.0 championed by a number of brands, has been a failure of ultimate proportions. 85% of the comments need to be filed in a garbage can and immediately sent to a dump or incinerate, never to be seen again. 

With that thought, I deleted one of my main social media accounts and am debating closing out the remaining two. Some items on social media are interesting,  but none of what I have seen has made me a better person. Plus most lack a spiritual foundation that brings me closer to a relationship with God. If that objective is not met, what is the point of the comments?

Someone I met created a video commentary platform where he basically focuses on criticism of celebrities. He does not focus on providing helpful tips on how to become a better spiritual person. So what does he accomplish? He has over 1,000 followers but they do not view all of his videos.  People just want their viewpoints heard, The same as I am doing now. My message. If what you have just read does not impact yor view of social media, I have wasted my time and yours! 

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