Monday, September 30, 2024

Covid Comes to Visit

 After ignoring me for over 4 years, Covid 19 finally paid me a visit.  It was an unexpected visit.  I had not extended Covid a personal invitation to stop by and stay awhile.  Covid brought with it a suitcase packed with high fever, congestion, runny nose, cough (that still persist) and aches and pains.  Covid did  not care that I had made plans to take a trip via a plane the next day for ironically a medical exam back home.  No, Covid just barged into my life and told me that it was staying at least a week, so adjust my life accordingly.

When Covid speaks, unfortunately, it has the power to back up what it wants done.  So the next week was spent reacting to the needs and demands of Covid.  Rest, taking fever fighting over the counter medications, cough syrup, and keeping facial tissue handy became my Covid support routine.  I had no one to go run errands to the store for food and medications.  I simply put on a mask and applied hand sanitizer to my hands before and after going into stores. 

I thought about when Covid had first visited people in 2020.  Many of those hosts did not survive the visit.  They became severely ill and many died.  Thousands and thousands of people of all ages.  I don't know if past vaccines I took, the last one was 2 years ago, prevented me from having a deadly reaction to my guest, Covid 19.  The worst part of the visit was the high fever Covid brought and feeling tired. I forced myself to eat to keep my strength up.  I had money to purchase food and the necessary medications I needed to feed Covid and keep its behavior semi constructive.  So, I thank God for having come out of it with just the lingering cough as a side effect.  I will find out what lingering impacts Covid's visit will have on my health.

Ironically, I got my yearly Flu shot 2 weeks after Covid visited me.  I added a Covid vaccine to my vaccination routine.  One visit by Covid is enough for me.  I have put out the No Vacancy sign for future Covid visits.  Lesson learned, to support maintaining good health, get your Covid vaccination.

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