Monday, June 12, 2023

Father's Day Advice to Fathers and Sons

Father's Day.  On father's day, you can normally find an open reservation for dinner at most restaurants.  Often a walk in is available.  It is the exact opposite from mother's day where it's difficult to find any reservation availability.  Why? In general, fathers do not have a great reputation.  Often the fathers who are not the best of fathers stand out over those fathers who are "model" fathers.  Negative things always overwhelm good things.  We as humans seem to prefer negative drama over positive drama. But the tide may be turning as more and more positive stories come out.

For you sons out there.  Remember this.  "Father's don't know what they don't know. "  In other words, a father who isn't taught by his own father to be a model father, does not know how to display to you the traits of being a model father by his actions.  So, then you either model your father's learned/un learned behavior, or focus on trying to improve in the areas that your father was never good in.  So be understanding of the faults of your father.  His father may have passed on some of the traits that you do not like.  Or your father may even be an improvement over your grandfather.  Just know that your father either is doing the best he can or he doesn't know what he does not know.

Once a man learns his wife or woman he is sexually involved with becomes pregnant guess what happens?  Well guess what?  The man is not given a manual on "how to be the best father you can be?"  Maybe we should be given one.  After thousands of years there should be a top 100 tips on being a good father?  Or at least 5-10 books that provide guidance.  Here are a few random selections from an internet search:

How to Be a Good Dad: 12 Simple Steps - Ramsey (

Bright Horizons | How to Be a Good Father: Tips & Advice for Dads | Bright Horizons®

How to be a Great Dad: 18 Tips for Fatherhood | The Art  of Manliness

Within your family, has there ever been a discussion of what is a great father?  What person stands out whom you know of?  An uncle, grandparent?  Who is it?  Maybe you don't have a reference other than your own father.  Think about it.  For such an important role, thee is no "manual" they are given to apply.  It's all on the job training.  Your father is the result of there being no manual.  We do the best we know how to.  Happy Father's Day!

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