Step back and evaluate the value and quality of items shown on the local or national news. Ask yourself this question. How did the information you were just shown via the news improve your life? Did it educate you? Did it inform you in a critical area important to the success of you and your family? Did it inspire you to positive action? Or was it just entertainment?
Realize that the stories presented to you were decided upon by a relatively small group of people. That group decided that you would only be shown the stories they chose. No one asked you what you wanted to see. No one cares about what you need to see to improve your life. A small group of people decide what you should value and what you should watch. How does that make you feel? Are you delighted by the stories shown to you on the evening news? Don't you wonder what was left out from the selection? What criteria are they going by to decide what stories you absolutely have to see on the news?
Most "news" stories will deal with violent acts by individuals. The more individuals killed or injured the greater likelihood that the story will be presented first. That is unless the subject(s) of the news story is about a group of people who do not have "favored" status. The greater the public notoriety of the person, the greater the chance the "news" will feature them.
Try this. When each news story comes up, write down the type of story it is. Violence/murder could be one heading. Shooting/death could be another heading. If the story is about a person, write down what the person did to warrant the attention. Keep that self log the entire week, then review it to identify if there is a consistent theme/trend as to what type of stories are pushed out at you.
How did all the stories you watch make you feel? Sad? Disgusted? Scared? Angry? Whatever you felt is what the small group of people who selected the stories want you to feel. They seek to get an emotion from you. Note that some news stations end the news with a "feel good" story. It's likely the most positive story of the day. Maybe the stories are rolled out that way so you leave watching the news with a positive attitude? It helps ensure you will return the next day to wade through all the violent stories to reach the positive story. Your emotions are being played with in the manner the positive story is always last.
You need to expect more from the news you watch. First, ask how are the stories chosen? What is the criteria used to select the stories that make the cut? Demand that the news be used to educate you on an issue. Give you the chance to decide an issue based on hearing both sides of an issue presented on the news. Contact the news stations to let them know which stories had no redeeming value. What is the value of telling you that someone has been shot and killed?
The news needs to tell us the following things: 1. Is the water we drink safe. 2. Is bad weather approaching your community? 3. Is a criminal on the loose who presents danger to the public? 3. Are there recalls on food or other items? 4. Where are the traffic problems in the city? 5. Is there a world event going on that may endanger our country? 6. Is there a man made or natural crisis brewing that endangers the public? 7. Has a cure been found for some diseases or sickness? Add any other category in your community that fits "a need to know". Six to 8 items daily that we need to know about. What follows after that is simply entertainment filler. Stories designed to occupy the time and thoughts of a willing public. The stories about entertainers and celebrities is useless. Filler material to fit our human pyramid of idols.
Start asking your TV station to give you the news we all need to know. Let them keep the trashy material to themselves. Finally, ask for the names and phone numbers of the people who are approving the stories that are pushed out to you everyday.
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