Friday, July 12, 2024

Biden's "Moses and the Rock" Moment

 In Numbers 20:6-8, God instructs Moses and Aaron to specifically speak to a rock, "...and it will pour out its waters."  But in Numbers 20:11 Moses does what Moses wants to do. "Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with the staff, and water gushed out."

President Biden is facing his "Moses Moment".  Biden is ignoring what time had done to his body and mind.  In the face of evidence, that being his actions and behavior over the past year, Biden seems to think his own beliefs override the evidence.  His pride has made him strike the rock twice rather than step aside as the Democratic candidate, or even better for the country to step aside as President and allow the Vice President to assume the Presidency, at least for the next 4 months.

The world will be okay without you as President, Mr. Biden.  The 45 Presidents before you all relinquished authority.  Some had no choice.  You have a choice.  Again, thank you for your service over the past 4 years.  But, it's time to move on.

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