Wednesday, July 17, 2024

God's Rebellious People

 After the assassination attempt last weekend, I thought this would be a defining moment in the 2024 Presidential election.  Would the close call with death transform the former 45th President of the United States into a rationale, God fearing politician?  The answer came quickly.  There was no quote of the 45th President thanking God for his surviving the attempt on his life.  Instead there was business as usual.  He had an opportunity to change his ways.  He assumed it was God blessing his candidacy.  Why didn't he think it was a message from God that he needed to change his ways?  45 has been called a narcissist and he definitely displayed that behavior by not thanking God foremost for being able to see the world and his family still.

Now Joe Biden in his eighties has Covid.  The drama train is rolling down the tracks almost pulling into the station now.  We have a President well past his prime; a deranged former President; and a capable Vice President waiting in the wings for the next chapter to occur.  This play can take several directions.  Will failing health be the deciding factor in President Biden deciding to step down from the office of President of the United States?  Will Biden be more humble than the 45th President was after being an inch away from departing this life?

As I write this politicians are gathered in Milwaukee believing that they are charting the course for the future of the United States of America.  How many of them are even thinking about what God wants done in this dramatic governmental situation of 2024?  It's just more of the same politics as usual.  People gathering thinking they can do something to "solve" the problems of the world.

That's not what we are here for people.  There will be no heaven on earth, don't you get it?  This is our temporary home.  No matter what happens with the Presidency, the expectations of God from us will not change.  God is still waiting on us to focus on the way of life God intended us to have.  

Our human drama continues.  Next chapter.

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