Monday, July 1, 2024

What Jesus says about how to live our lives.

 The bible actually contains guidance to us mere humans on what behavior we should demonstrate every day.  Let's go to Matthew in the bible.  When Jesus lived among humanity, Matthew recorded Jesus's statements about the kind of behavior, the Father, God, expects us to display.  Let's see what Matthew 5 through 7 say.

Jesus talked about human characteristics/behavior that should be blessed:  

1. Those who seek spiritual enrichment and knowledge to help them lead the life God wants them to lead.  

2. Those who mourn during difficult times. 

3. People who are humble and who don't always tout themselves or their accomplishments.  

4. Those who fight for justice.  

5. Those who show mercy to others.  

6. Having pure intentions, not those based on personal gain. 

7. Those who seek peace and end to conflicts. 

8.  Those who are punished and persecuted for doing the right thing, and 

9.  Those who follow God's teachings despite being mocked and criticized by others.

Jesus said we should display our beliefs in him openly.  Their is no need to hide.  We need to control our human lusts.  Avoid situations that feed that lust or don't allow visuals to feed a lustful desire.  If you promise God something, follow through to the completion.  Do not seek revenge against another person. Love your enemy through peaceful coexistence.  Give to those in need.  Give God sincere prayers and don't pray lofty prayers to impress others.  If you fast to bring focus to your spiritual goals, do so privately not for recognition of your fasting. Don't focus on monetary and earthly material things as the goal of life.  Our life here is temporary.  Focus on gaining admission to the gate leading to eternal life.  Do not worry about every day life events.  Seek the kingdom of God, not an earthly heaven.  Do not judge others.  Go to God with your earthly requests. They may not always be given to you, but asking and seeking from God is the first step.  And finally, understand that the path to heaven requires much discipline and attention to detail in your behaviors.   The highway to hell is easy to navigate.  But the road to heaven requires thought, planning, and actions on our part.

All of these are part of the roadmap Jesus gave us to find and gain eternal life.  Place those ingredients in your life bowl and stir.  Bake until done!

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